Moving to a new eczema blog at

I am moving this blog from to  The new blog will be at

The main differences:

1)  Additional pages, including a separate page for Off-topic posts (posts not related to or eczema, though many will be health-related).

2) A few carefully-chosen ads related to the recommendations I already make, and a “shop” page with more recommendations. Over the years, many people have suggested this for the site to make it easier to find everything at once. I still can’t provide one place to get everything, because the shop capability is with Amazon rather than (which has more of the recommended products).

(Here’s what the “shop” looks like: Store  )

The blog is still not a commercial blog per se — the information is still free and no one has to buy anything that I recommend to get the benefit of it — but I decided to start monetizing through affiliate relationships for a few reasons.  Most importantly, I have operated the SolveEczema website and blog as hobbies all these years.  In that time, it has helped many people all over the world. I always had the goal of a medical study and publishing in scientific literature.  In order to devote the time and energy necessary, I have to find a way to make it my work rather than my hobby.  Donations have helped defray the costs associated with the site, but I have not pushed donations and most expenses of the site have been born by me.  Monetizing the blog through affiliate relationships — earning a small percentage of sales if people click on ad links to make their purchases — was a first obvious step to generating some income to allow me to pursue this as work, especially since I already recommend products.

In the long run, my dream is to have a social business that supports a foundation to problem solve ostensibly intractable diseases and medical conditions, where I believe the answer already exists in medical literature and solutions require problem solving rather than new science. This is the first step.   Thanks for your support!

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