New Developments

I wanted to let you know of a few new developments with
(I have never been able to recover my blog feed from Feedburner so I have no idea how many people this is reaching, but I hope a few people!):

1) A video slideshow overview of the material on, based on a talk I developed for a parenting resources center.

2) Suspension of affiliate marketing on the new SolveEczema blog — the only reason I began affiliate marketing was to find support so I could focus my time on the work, but I found being successful at blog monetization took far too much focus, thwarting the original intent of the marketing in the first place.

3) A crowdfunding campaign to help me focus full-time this work, finish a book at a minimum, or take whatever concrete steps toward a medical study that the crowdfunding project allows. I WOULD VERY MUCH APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT AND/OR HELP SPREADING THE WORD, if possible. (The above video begins with a short msg about the crowdfunding project, which ends in February.)

Thanks and kind regards, A.J. Lumsdaine

1 Response to “New Developments”

  1. 1 eczema77 April 28, 2015 at 11:11 am

    Do you have any article about Eczema Natural Remedies ? I am trying to gather more info about that. If you have any article or idea share with us 🙂

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